The 2021 NFPA 70E Online course is fully up to date with the latest from the NFPA and OSHA. This course is for those “Qualified Workers” that are in need of training to meet the requirements of OSHA and NFPA. However the NFPA 70E only covers voltage below 1000V. For workers that work on or near voltages above 1000V additional training is required. This is course is live and instructor-led to comply with OSHA, NFPA, and NESC requirements.
This course is great for those companies that just have a few employees needing trained! Or for a full staff to recieve training.
Interested in an onsite course Click Here
How Does Online Training Work?
The Medium / High Voltage Training is divided into 3 Sections – Live Presentation, Video, and Testing. This can all be accomplished in 4-5 hours in one sitting, or you can take your time on the Video and Testing.
The live presentation will be schedule for a set time and date and covers the main principles and topics of the NFPA 70E, OSHA 269, and NESC, helping you understand electrical safety in theory as well as put into practice. The video wraps up all the topics in a quick 15 min summary, and the test ensures that the material covered is understood. This combination allows workers to check the compliance box for up to three additional years.
The main lesson is taught in a live format hosted by a qualified EDS trainer in order to suffice OSHA and NFPA requirements.
Medium / High Voltage Safety is not a regularly scheduled course.
Please contact us for the course schedule.
Your Refresher Training Includes
PDF Version of the EDS Student Handbook
The EDS Student Handbook is a 40 page color handbook filled with all the pertinent information from the class as a reference for the student.
Training Video
A summary video of the NFPA 70E is included for additional information.
After the training is completed students will be required to complete a test including multiple choice and true/false questions.
Live Instructor-Led Content
The training content will be presented by a qualified instructor who is prepared to not only provided you with content curated for this course but answer any specific questions you may have during the session.
Frequently asked Questions
Since the class is Live we will send you the date and time to access the class.
The live portion can only be accessed one time, but the content can be accessed later as a follow up.
Yes, This is a live class so the instructor will be teaching as the content is presented. Students are encouraged to ask questions throughout the presentation. Video is not used.
Yes, Once this course is completed the student will receive a certificate that they have received NFPA 70E Refresher Training. This Certification is good for up to three years.